Job seekers who rely on recruiters and recruiting job listings can expect minimal success.  It is only one part of an effective, diligent job search. Recruiters are one strategy – but they won’t get you a job. They won’t:

  1. Set your job search goals and activities or organize and track results to keep you accountable – essential actions for an effective, diligent job search.
  2. Help you become visible on social media – absolutely essential to a job search plan in this decade.
  3. Do your networking activity (e.g. attending individual and professional meetings and following up your contacts). This is the most recommended activity for getting hired.
As the article below says: “Due diligence is your responsibility – not the headhunter’s. No one cares about your career [or getting that job] as much as you do.”  A diligent search for employment integrates an array of strategies and strategies are continuously adjusted  to improve results.

Why you can’t depend on recruiters.  Read the Article.