
Ms. Wexler is recognized for her keen understanding of employability issues and their impact in litigation. She is trusted to produce well supported, quality reports and testimony.

Attorneys and their clients respect her expert advice, clear communication and prompt response. That is why attorneys on both sides recommend Ms. Wexler as their first choice for litigation support. Here is a sample of the firms who have retained Ms. Wexler’s services.

​Matrimonial & Family Law  
Abrams Fensterman Jean S. Mahserjian, Esq., P.C.
Aronson, Mayefsky & Sloan LLP ​​​Johnson & Cohen, LLP
​Bender & Rosenthal Inc. Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman LLP
Berkman Bottger Newman & Rodd  LLP ​Kramer Kozek LLP
Blank Rome LLP Law Offices of Ellen Lubell ++
Bodner & Milone LLP ​Law Offices of John Gemelli, P.C.
Cacace Tusch & Santagata ++ Law Offices of L. Lisa Batt **
​Chemtob Moss Forman & Talbert LLP Maniatis & Dimopoulos P.C.
​Cohen Rabin Stine & Schumann LLP​ McLaughlin & Stern  LLP
Davidoff Hutcher & Citron, LLP Moses Ziegelman Richards & Notaro, LLP
Dobrish Michaels & Gross LLP Most & Schneid, P.C.
Donohoe Talbert LLP Pryor Cashman LLP
​Duffy & Fasano ++ Randi L. Karmel, PLLC
Finnerty Canda & Concannon PC ## Reich and Truax LLC
​​​Fogarty Cohen Selby Nemiroff LLC ++ Rosenthal & Herman P.C.
Garr & Silpe, P.C. Rutkin Oldham Griffin LLC ++
​Gassman Baiamonte & Gruner, P.C Schoonmaker George Colin & Blomberg P.C. ++
Gladstone & Weissman P.C. ** Schwartz Sladkus Reich Greenberg Atlas LLP
Goldschmidt & Genovese LLP ​Stein Riso Mantel McDonough LLP
Goldweber Epstein LLP Teitler & Teitler LLP
Greenspoon Marder LLP Wisselman Harounian & Associates
++Connecticut​ ##New Jersey **Flordia  


​Labor & Employment  
Brach Eichler LLC Joshi: Attorneys  + Counselors
DLA Piper LLP ​Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman, LLP
Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP Kaufman Borgeest & Ryan, LLP
Dunn Lambert, LLC Meister Selig & Fein LLP
Einhorn Harris Ascher Barbarito & Frost, P.C. ​Murtha Cullina, LLP
​Fisher & Phillips, LLP Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C
Ford Harrison LLP Paul Hastings LLP
Jackson Lewis, P.C. Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Peretti, LLP

Contact Us Today!

Rona E. Wexler, M.A., ABVE/D

Diplomate, American Board of Vocational Experts

(646) 335 – 5236

Wexler Consulting, LLC
15900 Riverside Dr. W, #6C​
New York, New York 10032-1041